Wednesday 4 January 2017

Reflecting on 2016

Okay it's been a while, but i felt this post was necessary.
As each new year rolls around, I like to reflect on the 365 days I've just been lucky enough to experience. This year, especially, I felt had to be documented because the progression from my first 2014 post is somewhat incredible.

So to sum up 2016:
I got my first tattoo, finished my a levels and passed with 3 Bs, got into Arts University Bournemouth, went on an amazing holiday with some friends and a lovely family holiday, turned 19, went to V fest, moved to Bournemouth (by the sea yayyayayyyyy), met some of the best people I've ever met, and to finish it off had a lovely Christmas.

I can honestly say this year has been the happiest year of my life.

The past few months i must say is down to making an incredible group of friends and studying something I love, but most importantly it relies on the fact that I am so content and happy within myself. I would even go as far as saying I have found inner peace.
I know it sounds cheesy and ridiculous, but when it happens to you it suddenly makes so much sense.

If anyone is by any chance reading this and is in the headspace I was in 3 years ago, I hope you take away hope that it does get better. Because it does, I promise.

Bring on 2017!

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